Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
An altar server assists the Presider at all liturgical celebrations throughout the year.
This ministry is open to children, high school students, college students, and young adults, both male and female. Children are eligible in their fourth grade year and must have made their First Communion in order to participate in this ministry.
Bread Baking Ministry
Eucharist in its fullest form should look like, taste like, and have the appearance of real bread. The Bread Baking Ministry bakes the bread used for all of our eucharistic celebrations.
The Bread Baking Ministry meets two mornings per month in our parish kitchen to bake our Eucharistic bread. Many of those involved in this ministry are young parents or retired persons.
Environment Committee
The Environment Committee is responsible for seasonal decorations in our worship space, cleaning the church, and washing/ironing altar linens.
We are always in need of men and women who are willing to become part of the Environment Committee.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (formerly known as Eucharistic Ministers)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are women, men, and young adults who assist the priest each week with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.
You must be 16 years of age or older, and a fully initiated Catholic in order to participate in this ministry.
Participation requires attendance at a formation session conducted by the Diocese and yearly formation meetings at the parish.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God and are an integral part of all liturgies. Individuals interested in this ministry must be in at least the fifth grade and must be able to proclaim loudly and clearly, even without the aid of a microphone.
Participation requires the ability to proclaim Scripture well and with conviction as well as attendance at yearly formation sessions.
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee meets monthly to discuss all major liturgical celebrations of the parish. This committee works with the Pastor and the Director of Liturgy and Music. Members are invited to join based on their liturgical background or involvement in parish ministries.
Those who join this committee must have read and have a good working knowledge of the Catholic Church’s documents on liturgy. Attendance at various diocesan formation sessions will be required from time to time.
Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers & Greeters)
Ministers of Hospitality include men and women who are responsible for greeting and welcoming all people attending our parish celebrations. Their key role is to make all who come to worship with us feel welcome. Those in this ministry also assist in taking up the collection, selecting people from the Assembly to bring up the gifts, and seeing that the worship space is in order before and after each liturgy.
Ministers to the Sick
Ministers to the Sick provide those who are sick with Eucharist and spiritual nourishment. They visit those in hospitals, nursing homes and private homes who are unable to attend Church.
Training for this most rewarding ministry is offered by the Diocese.
Music Ministry
Our parish stands firm in the belief that quality music fosters and enhances parish worship.
Men and women who volunteer for Music Ministry include choir members, cantors, organists, and instrumentalists. The choir sings weekly from September through May and cantors lead music at all weekend liturgies.
Men and women participating in this ministry gather for weekly rehearsals. They are from age 13 and up. Cantors and choir members do not need to read music, but organists and instrumentalists should be proficient in their respective instruments and have some background in service playing and know the Catholic liturgy.
We are always in need of individuals willing to assist in any of the music ministries and would greatly appreciate your talents. Training is provided for all Music Ministers on an individual basis and in group settings.